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6:50 p.m. - 2004-09-06
It has begun - chestnut season, that is. Our chestnut tree, affectionately known from here on in as "Chesty", started dropping them yesterday.

You know what this means. It means the invasion of the Oriental Ladies from Hell, and other assorted riff raff who feel that our chestnut tree exists for their benefit.

I really hate to be nasty, but in my wildest dreams I cannot imagine walking onto a stranger's property and taking every single nut in sight. If they just took a few, I wouldn't feel quite so upset. But every single one of them takes all they can find, and even try to knock them off the branches. Bruce and I wind up with very, very few, for ourselves and our friends.

Last year we put up a "Do Not trespass" sign, that seems to work...somewhat. But unfortunately the most diehard just whined at me about how they have been coming here for years and the previous owner always let them. Well, of course she did. She was a total bedridden invalid who couldn't even answer the door!!

This year, we are putting up a sign that says very clearly - "No one is allowed to pick the chestnuts! No exceptions! Go home and plant your own tree!!"

Grrr......I feel evil and nasty! And very mean!!


With that said, we did have a very pleasant chestnut meal tonight. I made baked tofu, black-eyed peas, mashed potatoes and gravy, and roasted chestnuts.

Oh, they are so yum. They taste like butternut squash.

Next year, around this time, I'm hoping Bruce and I can have a big "Invite all our friends for a big chestnut festival weekend" sort of thing. I've been thinking of it as "Chest Fest"!!




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