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6:03 p.m. - 2004-03-27
It's a Good Thing
If I were in charge of naming streets, you know what I'd name one of them? Probably the street I lived on?

I'd name it "Cranky Old Television Avenue". that's what.

Seriously. Bruce and I were driving through Decatur this morning and I thought I saw a street sign that said that. I got all excited, because, I mean, wow!! What a fabulous name!! And then I got a better look and it said something else entirely, something like "Crestwood Lane", and I was so disappointed.

Sigh. Why can't life imitate art? Whay can't I own a town, so I can name the streets?


So heya', I hate to blither on about how great my life is, because some people I really care about are having a hard time right now. But, aside from Loki deciding to give us a scary turn (and by the way, the lil' fella' is back to normal now), it's been an amazing week.

I mean, it was such a good week I really should have updated more, but I guess I was holding my breath and waiting for the inevitable bummer to occur and ruin things. But it never did.

Good thing the first: We went to see Michael's band on Thursday night. I had been incredibly antsy to get out, and the club they were playing at was perfect. The bands play out in a courtyard there, and it was a perfect temperature, warm and breezy. So we had a couple of beers, listened to the band, and breathed in the fabulous spring air.

Have I mentioned the wisteria is blooming?

Good thing the second: Bruce won another teaching award.

Yup, this is the second one he's gotten since he's been at UAH. HE'S SUCH A DUDE!!!! And it has a $500 prize to go with it!! Much needed, since we're still paying back a Ph.D.'s worth of student loans!

Good thing the third: Bruce as been given a free trip to a scientific conference in Memphis in two weeks by a textbook publisher, and guess who is invited to go along? Yeah!! We're going to Memphis!! For free!!

I know it won't be a total romantic getaway. It's hard to be romantic when you're surrounded by people talking about molecular genetics. But we can go out and hear some blues at night, and indulge in some fabulous Southern food (mmmmmmmm, the Arcade Diner....mmmmmmmmm.......sweet potato pancakes......mmmmmm....) and during the day I'll just go to the University there and hang out in the library. I'm really in need of a day of looking at art books. The UAH library just sucks.

Good thing the fourth: We had an amazing trip to the Sipsey Wilderness today. There were dozens of swallowtail butterflies, and once again I was frustrated about our lack of a digital camera. But I did take "regular" photos, and hopefully some will come out.

And I had the thrill of seeing my husband and his grad student, Angie, do the "darter dance". Ummmmm, I'll let him (livesand) tell you about that!

And, ast but not least, good thing the fifth: And this one is a doozy!! About two and a half years ago I submitted a series of proposals to the local hospital. They were expanding and were looking to buy art for their new Women's and Children's Center. I kept getting calls from them saying that things were hung up and they seemed completely discombobulated. Finally, after a few months I soundly cursed them out for wasting my time (only to myself, of course!!) and proceeded to forget about it.

Until Thursday night. We came home to find a message on the machine from the woman in charge of the program. She knew it had been a long time, she said, but they had all their money lined up. Was I still interested in doing something on commission?

I literally screamed when I heard the message. I've been so discouraged about art, and feeling sort of directionless. When I called her back on Friday it turns out they are interested in the piece I had most wanted to do!!

And there was no dickering about the price!! I really am in a state between total panic and amazing exhilaration!!

I'm so used to selling to individuals that the idea that my work will be hanging in a hospital, to be seen for years, hopefully, is very intense. For the first time in ages I feel like I want this piece to be absolutely perfect.

I feel like this is some sort of sign. Maybe I'm on the right track after all!




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