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2:20 p.m. - 2004-01-10
I'm all distracted right now. Partly I'm distracted because I have a headful of henna which is dripping onto my shirt collar, and partly I am distracted because I have two dye pots going. A few of Bruce's shirts were in good shape, but slightly faded, and he agreed that if they were re-dyed, he could probably get another year or so out of them.

This is the kind of dye job that I really sort of dread, because I have to keep stirring and stirring so the dye takes evenly. It means a lot of clock watching because every twenty minutes for three hours I have to haul on the over-the-elbow gloves and stir those babies up.

I'm also dyeing an Indian cotton rug, which is even worse. Leaning over a washing machine trying to stir up a stiff, heavy, dye soaked mass of cotton is not my idea of a great time. It does build muscles though.

My main distraction though, is that we may, possibly, be adopting another cat.

I don't want to talk to much about him now, because it may not happen, for many reasons. I'll just clue you in on two things - he's half-Siamese, and he's desperate case. Whaddya' mean, you already guessed that?!!

I was realising today that there's somthing that really bugs me. If we were adopting a child, especially a disabled child, everyone would be saying "Whoo HOOOO! Congradulations!!" and showering us with expensive baby gifts. But at no time have I ever adopted an animal when I got this sort of reaction. Usually people just roll their eyes and say something to the effect of "You just can't stop!! All those animals! My God!!"

And presents? Forget it! Not even a catnip mouse has come our way, never mind one of those fancy cat castle things!!




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