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3:34 p.m. - 2003-03-16
Too Freakin' Pink
Urgh. It's one of those days when I wonder if I really did ever attend art school, or if that was just a sweetly unpleasant dream. I'm having these thoughts because I'm trying to paint a closet, and I have definately picked the wrong colour.

What happened to all those colour theory classes I had to take? Did none of them leave any sort of impression on my brain?

We are actually painting the whole little library room, but that's going ok. We chose a medium blue, with white trim and a darker blue for the built in desk and bookshelves. It's very Tricia Guild. (Does that sound snotty or what? Don't worry, I'll mess it up with thrift store pillows or something.)

It's the closet that's driving me nuts. It had been painted that sort of lavender that looks like battleship grey if you get it in the wrong light, and this closet definately has the wrong light. And we had stashed the cat box in there for awhile, and it just felt dirty and yucky to me. I don't want a dirty, yucky closet! I want a perky closet, one that says "Hey Stranger! Haven't seen you for awhile! Can I get you a dress or something?!" when you open the door.

So I looked through my collection of paint that I got cheap from the mismixed stack at Lowe's. Do you all know about mismixed paint? Most hardware stores sell it - it's just paint that they mixed up to be the wrong colour and the buyer rejected it and so they sell it cheap. Usually it's about $5 a gallon. So everytime I go to the hardware store I look through this paint and drag anything interesting home.

I have about 20 gallons of this stuff.

So I looked through it and found a strawberry colour that was too dark, but I thought if I mixed it with some off white it would become the colour of my closet dreams. Sort of a strawberry pink. You know, a perky colour!

What it mixed up into is this sort of womb-like salmon pink. It's actually the colour of my wedding dress, except on my wedding dress it looked good. And in the paint can it looked pretty good, too. In the closet - oh, it's gagalicious.

We're talking about the colour that Crayola crayons used to label as "Fleshtone". They should have named it "Too Freakin' Pink"! It has transformed a formerly innocently dirty and yucky closet into the demon closet from Hell.

I'm not sure what to do. Should I wash out all the paint rollers and stuff and try another colour? Or should I do that rebirthing psychotherapy and use the closet as a womb substitute? Maybe I should just line the closet with metal foil and I could use it as an orgone collector.




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