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7:30 p.m. - 2004-04-13
Sick. More Sick.
I spent all of today in bed with a hideous dizzy spell.

Whatever this rotten disease is, it seems to be mutating every day. Sigh.

At least I have stopped vomiting in cars.

I did manage to drag myself out of bed to see Bruce get his Distinguished Teacher Award (Or was that Damn Fine Teacher Award? Or Demented Teacher Award? Disturbed Teacher Award?) Ahem. Anyway, once again I was made proud of my Distinguished (Damn Fine? Disturbed? Demented?) Husband, as he stood in front of all his colleagues and students and heard about what a big dude he is.

And then we came home. But first we went to the newstand, because we are going to Memphis tomorrow, and despite my best wishes I have this terrible feeling I'm going to wind up sick in a hotel bed. And I'll be damned if I wind up sick in a hotel bed with nothing to read. So I got some magazines.

So what magazines did I get, you ask? Well, I already have Utne Reader, which is always good for at least one really frothing article. This month that article is by guy who grew up working class and has crossed over to the middle class. He calls people like himself "Straddlers" and talks about the problems and confusions they face.

I happen to be a "Straddler", so this article got me all hot and bothered. In a good way.

Then I picked up a copy of Bitch. I love Bitch. I love the articles, and I love the layout, and, you know what I love most?

I love carrying around a magazine that has "BITCH" in huge letters across the front. It's an instant conversation starter!

I have to confess, I also got a copy of GQ. Viggo Mortensen on the cover? Oh dear, I just lost my head. Hey, I have an excuse! I've been ill!! I can't be intellectually on the ball all the time you know!!




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