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5:24 p.m. - 2004-01-29
More heating system
Hokay! So you know I have a reaaally boring life when I am updating twice in one day about my heating system punting out.

It actually hasn't punted out. It was just yankin' my chain.

The heating guy got here a couple of hours ago. tall and lanky, he reminded me of that guy on Drew Carey, you know, Drew's friend who is tall and lanky and kind of goofy? This guy was like an older version of that guy and immediately staarted teasing me about being a "Yank" (Yankee) but it turns out he was from MICHIGAN!!! So it was all a big goof. And it made me laugh.

And he loped around to the back of our house and everyonce in awhile something small and white would peek out of his mouth and I though he had a cap on one of his teeth that he was playing with, taking on and off or something.

It turned out to be a Lifesaver. This guy played with his Lifesavers. I've never seen anyone get so athletic with his tongue.

Wow. That just sounded

Anyway, he took one look at the system and pronounced it A-okay, and explained to me that this was the perfect morning for heat exchange systems to release huge amounts of steam in the defrost mode, and also there would be(insert heating system language here), and so it was all really ok.

And then he teased me about the fact that Yanks don't understand a heat exchange system 'cuz, ya' know, we just don't have them there things up North, and then he went through and explained how the heat exchange sytem works.

You know how a heat exchange system works? Well it works like this: (insert technical heating system language here) and that's how it heats your house.

You can tell I really understand this now, right?

And then he went through our whole house and checked our other, upstairs heating system, and then he checked our wall units, and then he checked our gas space heater in the living room, and then he looked at our electrical system, and then he told me all about how we could replace our ceiling with sheet rock and how you can get old linoleum tiles to pop up if you run a burlap bag full of dry ice over them. Yup, they just pop up, you don't have to scrape them or pry them or anything.

And he did all this while flipping around that Lifesaver. It was fascinating. And he only charged $65, and now I know all our heating is fine. For another year.




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