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8:50 a.m. - 2003-10-13
Happy Birthday Donna!
Well, everyone seemed to enjoy Little Mr. Squirrel! And speaking of squirrels, thanks to Squirrel X for mentioning Mr. Squirrel on her very popular diary!! You rock, Xtine!

****************************************** know, one of the things I most love about having this journal is that I can embarass my dear close old friends on their birthdays!! Oooooooh, I just LOVE this!!!!!!

Ahhhh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONNA!!!! And here is my all time favorite picture of Donna, as a beautiful blue alien!!!

No, I'm serious, I love this picture. I'm not sure how Donna feels about it. Hopefully she won't show up on my doorstep with an ax!!

And those are her paintings in the background, too.

This was taken in her old apartment in Brookline. You know, I miss that apartment. Of all the places I think of when I'm exploring my nice old memories of Boston, that apartment is one of the ones I think of most.

It was a small apartment, very old fashioned, with glass doored cupboards in the kitchen and big old windows. I used to spend every Thursday night there because Donna and I used to pose for each other and generally hang out plotting big art projects. There was a used bookstore across the street that periodically threw out boxes and boxes of used books that we'd go rummaging through.

Sigh. Those were the good old days of rent controlled Brookline.

Well, enough of that! Let's continue on with the embarassment, shall we?!!

This is my other favorite picture of Donna. It reminds me of that part of the Sistine Chapel where God is touching Adam's hand. Except instead this is God touching Donna's hand!!

No, actually this is Spike, Donna's kitty! Who might as well be God! Donna is very nice to her cats.


Ok, I have to stop here, or I will risk having a very old friendship that I greatly treasure come to an abrupt and nasty end!!! Heh, heh, heh...

In other news, Zesto has been in the hospital this weekend. He had another urinary blockage, and so had to be hospitalised with a catheter and IV antiiotics. He's been terrorising his vet, Dr. Lisa, and her assistants, pulling out his catheter and getting his Elizabethan collar off, earning him the nickname of "Houdini". I really wish we could just care for him here at home, but Dr. Lisa has assured us that this is serious enough that he needs to be watched.

I asked Dr. Lisa what happens if he developes another blockage after this. She looked a tad embarrassed.

"Well, there is a surgery we can do." She blushed. "It shortens his penis so it's less likely crystals would get stuck in there. It's kind of like changing him from a boy to a girl."

Ok, folks, is this the story of my life or what? Am I not the only person you know with a deaf cat who needs a sex change operation?




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