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2:44 p.m. - 2003-05-04
I had a funny thought last night as I was falling asleep. The fall of the Old Man of the Mountain probably doesn't signal the end of the world. It probably just means that New Hampshire will finally get a sales tax.


Here's my horoscope for this week:

"Eric writes: Someone is giving you a new chance this week, and you deserve it. If you want your new lease on love or partnership to hold, be vigilant about your emotions. It�s not just words that deceive; emotions do as well. Be scrupulous with yourself. Make sure the words you use match the emotions in your heart."

But Eric, baby, what about my plumbing???!!!

That's the problem with astrologers. They never tell you about the really important stuff - they just go on about whether or not you will fall in love this week. Well, I'm sorry, I fell in love 18 years ago and I have yet to fall out of it. I don't care about the astrological flow of everybody else's hormones!! What I really want to know is: What's causing the enormous leak our plumbing system has developed and how many buckolas are we going to have to shell out to get it fixed?

Yup, Bruce and I went outside yesterday morning to find a veritable river of water flowing out from under the garage. We ran over to the water meter to find it spinning around like a top.

Evidently one of our pipes has burst. Which is such a joy because we have a slab foundation. Yes, the pipes are under concrete!!! The foundation does have a brick overlay running through the garage, and I'm hoping beyond hope that that is where the pipe with the leak is located. It would make everything sooooo much easier.

Well, not that much easier.

We do have a shut off tool, so we were able to turn the water off. A few calls to plumbers led to the fabulous realisation that even plumbers who claim to work on Saturday do not actually, in fact, work on Saturday. So we're on emergency water rations.

It's not so bad, since I've been obsessively preparing for tornados. I've been storing water to flush toilets in old milk jugs and detergent bottles. I highly recommend getting a gallon size liquid laundry detergent. The bottle holds just the right amount of water to perfectly flush a toilet. Why just throw out your plastic detergent bottles when you can re-use them in case of Apocalypse?

Why, with the Old Man gone, who knows what'll happen?




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