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9:07 p.m. - 2002-08-04
Lifestyles of the Grey and Chubby
Oooooh, I had a much longer encounter with Mr. Groundhog today (or as Bruce refers to him, The Varmint.) I was looking out the upstairs window onto the path into the jungle and I saw something greyish-brown. Something extraordinarily large and waddley, heading off toward the area I think of as the T.S. Eliot section of the backyard (as in The Wasteland - get it?!) I saw him again in that area later in the afternoon as I was pouring water into all of our rock holes, so I think he lives there.

"Wait a minute, did she say rock holes?"

Yes, I said rock holes. We have really strange rocks on our land which have actual holes in them so they hold water. I've been using them as bird baths, a practice Bruce has convinced me to stop as of today because he's afraid they'll just become mosquito breeding areas. He has promised to get me a bird bath.

Other than appointing myself private detective in charge of scoping out Mr. Groundhog's lifestyle, the last few days have just been spent painting. So far we've painted our guest bedroom a strange sort of apple green called "Fresh Grass" (as opposed to "Old, Dried Out Grass", which is a colour I once heard someone use to describe the fur of his Labrador Retriever)and the bedroom is "Tibet Blue", which is actually more of a Colonial blue but Tibet is so much more trendy than the Pilgrims these days. The trim for both of these rooms is white.

I got intensely whiney yesterday, which was shameful because actually painting the house has been easy. From sanding it down I found that the downstairs seems to have only been painted twice in the 42 years the house has existed, and the upstairs only once. So there were no outrageous layers of flaking paint to scrape off. It was actually a fairly breezey job.

And the house looks a million times better already. On the inside it actually looks more like a Five Points cottage than most of the Five Points cottages I've seen, because it hasn't had any cheesey updates. It's all just the original house.




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